Lobello’s cherry pear tomato reminds us of old time tomatoes flavour

For Lobello’s cherry pear tomato being selected for Flavour of the Year by spanish consumers during these lasts three years isn’t a coincidence. The taste and the scent of this product reminds us of old time tomatoes, those who were capable of impregnate with their scent a whole room and with a flavour that made them real exquisite for the palate. However, those tomatoes were dissapearing from the market and replaced by profitable ones.

The expansion of the food industry caused, to secure the cultive’s profitability, go for a more productive, durable and resistant variety of fruits and vegetables, resistant to plagues and diseases. Consequently, those tasty but less profitable tomatoes, started losing more and more prominence.

The research by the consumers to have again a tasty tomato on their pantry, made again the center of attention of the seedbeds and farmers the variety with amazing organoleptic features. On this field, Lobello keeps being the most tasty ‘cherry’ in Spain, since 2019 by how spanish consumers rate them.

Brix degrees

The excelent flavour of Lobello’s cherry pear tomato’s secret resides in its balance between acidity and sweetness, this last one expressed in his high level of brix degrees. This product takes place between 11 and 12 brix degrees, being one of the most exquisite variety available for consumers.

What are brix degrees on tomato?

Brix degrees are a reference for the saccharose levels –natural sugar- that the product contains dissolved in their juice. Estimation is realized by every 100 grams; in this way, if a tomato has ten grams for every 100, its brix degree levels is a ten.

To evaluate brix degree levels on a tomato, an utensil called refractometer is used to measure the light refraction on the product: the bigger the angle of refraction, bigger contents of brix degree levels.

Lobello’s Flavour

How we already said before, Brix degrees aren’t the only measure to evaluate the flavour. In the event of tomato, a balanced flavour is preferable than a too sweet one. In spite of its high brix degree levels, Lobello is a balanced tomato in all its facets, just like cuisine master Antonio Gázquez explains.

“It’s a very balanced flavour as much as its shape, texture or its scent”, highlights restaurant Las Eras (Tabernas, Almería) chef and La Gergaleña’s I+D manager. “We’re talking about a spectacular tomato, with a very balanced sweet taste and a fine skin, unlike other tomatoes with tough skin that are difficult to chew on”, Gázquez explains. Thanks to this characteristics, products of this variety obtain a very high intense flavour on the palate. In master chef’s opinion, the cultivation type based on NGS hydroponic substratum of coconut fiber in which this product cultivates in, among other places, Lobello’s Museumis one of the elements that influences obtaining a high quality product.